Projects typically run for extended periods of time. They collect: Objects, views, experiences, collaborators....
They change, mature, and are finished at some point. They need the exchange to live.

Welcome Committee for all Nations
193 Stelen, Steel, colored lacquered, weatherproof, various sizes, since 2016
WeCAN - the "Welcome Committee for all Nations" was a design for the UN Campus in Bonn. It could not be realized there. Good thing. Because the members of the committee have to go out into the world and form a network of welcomers there.
There are exactly 193 members in this committee, one for each UN member country.
They come in different sizes, each representing a country - but doesn't say which one.
They are not gender-neutral, but rarely unambiguous. What's the point? They are all unique...
They are inexpensive to buy here and prefer to stand in small groups.
Together they form an invisible but palpable web across continents, trenches and waters, one big social sculpture. If you would like to purchase a committee member, contact me:

Projekt K-Ä-S-E
Open and participatory project, start: 2013
Projekt K-Ä-S-E has its own Website.
Reinhard Geller